The End of National Novel Writing Month
NaNoWriMo - The End
So, what have I learnt from this experience?
# When pushed, I can write over 5,000 words in a few hours.
# I write better listening to music, preferably instrumentals and orchestrals, or to put me in the current scene, medieval and renaissance hymns. Adele, I love her to bits (stalker-like obsession) but I lose myself in her music too easily.
# I can write in the morning and in the evening. Always thought I was better in the morning, more creative, but, I've been happily proved wrong.
# The more I write, and keep to a daily habit, the better the writing is, the more the story progresses, because I'm constantly thinking of the characters and their lives. This can only be a good thing.
Even though I didn't participate in any physical or virtual write-ins, it was nice to know there was a community of writers out there, pushing through the same barriers I was, working hard to get their numbers up, all within the month of November. On-line forums were fascinating, and there truly are some very talented people out there.
Would I do it again? Yes. But give me a month or two to recover. And I was so very fortunate with a supportive Mr W and flexible work hours.
What next? Why, the next 50,000 words of course. Enough to finish the novel. Then it's on to the second draft. Major editing. Some story strands to tidy up. Research of the facts. And I can't wait.
Dear gentle readers, it is with excited breath that I report the glad tidings,
that NaNoWriMo is finished. And yes, I have managed to complete it, and on time.
50,000 words written in the month of November. I am a WINNER!
So, what have I learnt from this experience?
# When pushed, I can write over 5,000 words in a few hours.

# I can write in the morning and in the evening. Always thought I was better in the morning, more creative, but, I've been happily proved wrong.
# The more I write, and keep to a daily habit, the better the writing is, the more the story progresses, because I'm constantly thinking of the characters and their lives. This can only be a good thing.
Even though I didn't participate in any physical or virtual write-ins, it was nice to know there was a community of writers out there, pushing through the same barriers I was, working hard to get their numbers up, all within the month of November. On-line forums were fascinating, and there truly are some very talented people out there.
Would I do it again? Yes. But give me a month or two to recover. And I was so very fortunate with a supportive Mr W and flexible work hours.
What next? Why, the next 50,000 words of course. Enough to finish the novel. Then it's on to the second draft. Major editing. Some story strands to tidy up. Research of the facts. And I can't wait.
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