January musings - The TBR Pile!

Help! The TBR (To Be Read) pile just keeps on growing!

As much as this wee blog is about my personal writing journey (and thank you for joining me), I have found the most popular advice given is that reading is vital for any writer.  It’s like oxygen, necessary for our existence.  Read, read, read and read some more is the mantra. 

One of my favourite quotes on this instruction is from Eudora Welty in her book, On Writing

Indeed, learning to write may be part of learning to read. For all I know, writing comes out of a superior devotion to reading.”

Reading was certainly my first love.  Libraries were (and still are!) always a treasure trove of discovery.  I loved the escape of stories, and have fond memories of reading under the bedcovers with a torch, well past bed-time, from a young age.  Writing in to join the Penguin Club (yes, back in the days when snail mail WAS the only option).  Then when I got older there was Borders, that fabulous superstore of books, both in Auckland and the magnificent flagship on Oxford Street, London.  How many rainy cold London Sundays did I spend in there!

From that I think my desire to write grew.  To write stories, to have books of my own in these same libraries and bookstores.  To spend hours in a zone of crafting at a novel, chapter after chapter, until it is finished.  

And reading is a big part of the journey.  I’m still an avid reader, although the time is a little less available than when I was ten!  I have lists of books to read on GoodReads, on the wish lists with Book Depository and Audible and Amazon.  Scraps of paper in long finished notebooks hold vital lists of ‘must-reads’.  The Kindle has swathes of books I don’t even remember ordering, but must have been recommended at some point.  And then there’s the books that have been chosen from bookstores, on travels close and far, sitting on the bookshelf, hoping they get picked next.  And isn’t there nothing more pleasurable than choosing a book, and starting on that first page.  A new journey of discovery.

January 2017 - TBR pile
So the lovely TBR pile is slowly growing, but I think so am I as a reader.  To keep my mind open to possibilities as a writer I enjoy most genres.  And I never feel guilty when I spend a spare hour reading, rather than writing.  ‘Research’ I tell myself! 
Do you have an ever growing TBR pile? 
Have you had a good reading session or three over the Christmas break? 
Where is your favourite place to read? 

Happy reading, and writing, for 2017!

What I’m currently reading: 

What I’m listening to on Audible: 

What I’m listening to on Podcast: 


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