Exciting, Delicious, October

Greetings, dear reader, on a cold and blustery Sunday.

Yesterday October tricked us into thinking summer was just around the corner and we, in turn, pottered in and out of the house in shorts and t-shirts, sunglasses a must to avoid the glare.  Today?  My hands are blue as I type, thick track-pants and hooded sweater compliment socks and woolly slippers. Ah well, all in good time.  As long as the promised rain does arrive in time to give our vegetable box planters and budding fruit trees a thorough soaking.

I digress from the topic to hand.  Procrastination.  My shadow, my companion.  Forever at my side.  Sometimes I wish I had a big stick to beat it into submission.  Horrible, but true.

This week, and for the many weeks to come, this follower will not be permitted entry. For, tomorrow, Monday, I start an Open University course in Creative Writing.  A small, eight week course, set to steer it's students onto the right path.  I am, of course, very excited to have registered, and await Week One's course notes and assignments nervously.  I feel more ready than ever to develop my novel, or 'Work In Progress' (otherwise referred to as WIP), and although the year, and indeed the previous year, have been full to bursting with distractions and, well, life, I've never been more settled and happier than I am today.

I will report in regularly as to how the course is proceeding, with inspiring insights and light-bulb moments, however I'd love to share today's Eureka moment.

Not just with writing, but with many other challenges that come our way, how can we beat procrastination with one, very simple question:

What would it take to make this feel delicious?
I thought about that for a few minutes, thought about why it is so hard at 6am to spend a mere hour at my little desk, or, after work, spend an hour, even 30 minutes, on character development, dialogue scenes, plots and sub-plots.  I love the thought of writing, I love the knowledge that I can, and if I set my mind to it, words and paragraphs and chapters can be written.

Simply, what do I love, or find delicious, about sitting at my desk?

A steaming cup of coffee and a Turkish Delight.
Not exactly Paleo, but it's a good stick to beat Procrastination with.

Thanks to Charlie at her blog:  Urban Writers Retreat for her ever wise and helpful words.  If only I lived in the UK to enjoy her writing retreats.

So, I will leave you now, thanks for joining me, but I have my 'delicious' coffee and a Turkish Delight awaiting.

Happy Writing!


  1. I LOVE your Procrastination Submission Plan - Turkish Delight and coffee in hand.
    What a way to start the day. It makes me want to set up a creative corner in my room to potter around at before I start my day! Alas, I would find it near impossible to get to work on time if I did, what with getting absorbed in whatever project I was currently doing. Total immersion is how my creative juices get going. :-) So it looks like I'll just have to work on an after work plan. (minus the turkish delight of course ;-)


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