
The laundry is folded, the floors polished, ornaments dusted.

Preparations are underway for NaNoWriMo, and I'm in the process of removing all sources of procrastination.

November is going to be an exciting month, but busy, and I will stay dedicated to the challenge. All imaginary and real hurdles must be removed so they don't cause distractions and excuses.

This month I'm spending a lot of time on outlining and character development, thanks in no small part to K M Weiland's fantastic book, 'Outlining Your Novel'.  Her book has given me inspiration and clues as to how to move forward, and why I've been struggling up to now.

So wish me luck for the next 50,000 words, which I'm hoping will be the second half of the manuscript in progress, and which should (if I plan it right!) mean the novel is complete!  Well, first draft anyway.  But that's another blog post.

And in the meantime, share with me while I bask in this delicious cocktail (and Mr W's whiskey) as a reward for a few hours of outlining yesterday ...

What are your plans for November?  Any goals or plans?  Are you doing NaNoWriMo too?

What I’m reading: 
Vivienne's Blog by Stephen Leaton

What I’m listening to on BorrowBox: 
Thérèse Raquin by Emile Zola, narrated by Kate Winslet

What I’m listening to on Podcast: 
Undisclosed Season 2 - still addicted


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